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Northern Lights Forecast: Aurora Borealis May Be Visible In These 10 States Tonight

December 19, 2024


Northern Lights Forecast: Aurora Borealis May Be Visible In These 10 States Tonight

The aurora borealis will be visible from nine states in the contiguous United States, plus Alaska, on Sunday night, according to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration update.

Key Facts

Sunday night’s forecast has a Kp index of three, meaning the lights will become brighter and there will be more motions and formations that will be “quite pleasing to look at” in the right places as the aurora moves further from the poles.

No geomagnetic or solar radiation storms are expected, but there is a 45% chance of minor to moderate radio blackouts.

NOAA’s forecast shows the lights will be slightly brighter on Monday, with a Kp index of four and an expanded view line.

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States either north of or touching the view line (see below) include Alaska and parts of Washington, Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Maine. Most states have a low likelihood of seeing the Northern Lights, though Alaska and the northern regions of Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota have a higher chance of some visibility.

How Do You See The Northern Lights?

The lights are typically the most active between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. NOAA advises viewing the lights as close to the poles as possible, avoiding light pollution, monitoring weather forecasts for prime viewing conditions and finding a position on a vantage point like a hilltop.

How Do You Photograph The Lights?

Night mode and longer exposure times on smartphones can help viewers photograph the lights.

Key Background

The anticipated peak of Solar Cycle 25, the sun’s 11-year solar cycle which is expected to crest somewhere between late 2024 and early 2026, has led to an increase in solar activity over the past few months. The sun’s 11-year cycle omitted its strongest flare on Oct. 3, coinciding with a coronal mass ejection and a Kp index as high as 7, causing the lights to be visible as far south as Kansas.

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